recent announcement has many fans of Hollow Knight: Silksong upset as it could mean it takes longer to get the game, among other issues.
Many Hollow Knight: Silksong fans are upset after Unity announced major changes to its service cost, as if truly implemented, it would only spell bad news for the industry. Hollow Knight: Silksong was announced in February 2019, and it's a case of a sequel being announced far too early. However, part of this is also because Team Cherry is an incredibly small indie studio working on an incredibly ambitious game, and fans have been understanding because of that. Minus a few memes and jokes, most Hollow Knight: Silksong fans are happy to wait.
Previously, Hollow Knight: Silksong was expected to release day one on Xbox Game Pass (and other platforms) in the first half of 2023, but several announcements by Microsoft for this period didn't make the cut. As of now, Hollow Knight: Silksong has no release date, but Unity may make that all the worse for wear.
While there have been some shifting language, clarifications that make things better and worse, and so forth, the bottom line is that Unity is going to start charging developers for every install of a game using its engine. Even for those on a Unity Pro plan, which reportedly costs $2000/year, developers would still only have a higher threshold before charges began with slightly lower fees. Many indie developers have spoken out against this, as for many it would spell financial ruin. Not only that, but in theory, disgruntled users could "install bomb" an indie studio to run them out of business. It was first reported that this would even charge developers for installs via Xbox Game Pass, then reported that Unity would be charging the distributor instead (Microsoft), which is not likely to sit well with the tech giant. In short, it's a mixture of bad news and bad communication, but the impact that this could have on game development, especially on the indie scene, cannot be understated.
Hollow Knight: Silksong is being developed with Unity, and the game is unlikely to be released before this plan goes into action on January 1, 2024. Even then though, this plan applies to every game installed after that date, meaning even for older games it can be an issue. Some fans suggested they'd wait while Hollow Knight: Silksong was ported to another engine, adding years upon years of dev time to the project. Others were just upset. As of this writing, Team Cherry has not publicly commented on Unity's announcement.
The dominant theory among many folks in the industry is that Unity will roll back these changes. This seems likely, but it remains to be seen. What's clear, however, is how many devs just lost faith in Unity for making such a change, how hotly-anticipated and even smaller-scale games are impacted, and how badly this could affect gamers too.
Hollow Knight: Silksong is in development for PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.